I am a web developer and technologist with many years of
experience. Well versed in LAMP/JAMstack,
Stack). My wide ranging background gives me the breadth to see how
all of the pieces of large software projects fit together. I enjoy
the interaction with the other roles (QA, Designers, DevOps,
Producers) in projects large or small. Very adept with AI tools.
Desire Full or Part Time contract/position. US Citizen. Willing to travel, and am open to relocation. Have mostly freelanced, which has given me exposure to a wide range of projects. Am open to the right full time opportunity.
Energetic! Some key companies and projects I have been involved with are: Trim CRM, Stitcher.com, Webtrends, Friendster, AOL.Com (AOL), AutoCAD R12/R13 (Autodesk ), Island Write/Paint/Draw (Island Graphics). I also write (O’Reilly, blog, dev.to, Medium).
Skills - Client
- Javascript / ES6+
- Vue 3+ w/Pinia, Vuex, Router, Vuetify, etc
- React 18 w/Zustand, Next.js, Redux, Router, etc
- Tooling: git, npm, Vite
- Google APIs (places, maps, geometry), and many other APIs
- HTML/Templating, CSS, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap
Skills - Server
- Node / Express
- PHP, Laravel 10
- Apache, nginx
- MongoDB
- memcache / redis
- AWS: EC2, S3, Lambda, DynamoDB
- Netlify
Other Skills & Interests
There are many skills that I have not touched in years (C, C++, Tcl, Three.js, for example), and things I have some awareness of (Firebase). Ask me. I am also interested in knowing more on the UI/UX side, ML/AI, and AR/VR (Unity or Unreal)
Other - I have done technical review for books published by
Prentice Hall (Pearson Education): The
XML Schema Companion,
XSLT 2.0 Web Development, and Spring Into HTML and CSS. Also
technical review for O’Reilly: Programming 3D Applications with
HTML5 and WebGL.
My Own Projects
- Alap / alap-editor-vue - dynamically specify menus of links for anchor and images
- citymap- Search places on a map, filtering by City Boundaries.
- Refer to my Github repo @ https://github.com/DanielSmith
A2E Solutions, LLC (March 2023 - Current)
Stealth development of web + application for individuals with cognitive challenges including mapping, scheduling and contact management.
- Vue 3 + Pinia, Google Maps and Places/Address Autocomplete, Laravel 10, AWS EC2
Contractor at Nike as Web Developer (May - August 2022)
Working on Assort Visual, an application used for building product assortments for upcoming seasons. Tech stack includes React/TS/ES6, SASS, and leverages many AWS services.
Honeit, Inc (2021 - 2022)
Ongoing contracts with this recruitment startup.
- Chrome Extension - pure ES6 SPA to launch calls or schedule interviews with tech candidates. Now adding content script functionality to insert call buttons on existing pages.
- Push Notifications - wrote a detailed Client & Server side example (vanilla ES6 / Tailwind / Node) of how to use the Pusher Beams API
- Lambda Node.js/Dynamo/EFS/S3/SNS/etc - use JSON input to snip short video clips from long interview
- Lambda Node.js/Dynamo/S3/Transcribe/Comprehend - sentiment analysis of interview clips
Allodeum (2019 - 2020)
Allodeum was a startup idea to put Real Estate Title Data into a blockchain, as a means of preventing fraud. User was guided through categories to enter data (Mortgage, Liens, and other Title Details), and to upload relevant files. Did most of the front and back end work on prototype. Tech stack: Vue w/Vuex, Vue Router, Vue-bootstrap, Google Maps & Places APIs, Node.js, Express, Mongoose, MongoDB, Docker
TAB Analytics (2019)
SearchAPIs - mapping, searching, and aggregating residential real estate data. Idea was to predict commercial real estate trends, based on knowing title data (Bridge API, normalized MLS data). I implemented a search app that did:
- Google Maps and Places/Address Autocomplete
- openstreetmap API, GEOJSON data to overlay city limits
- keyword and category search for Google Places, Yelp, Flickr, and Foursquare
- implemented a prototype of polygon-filtered search results
Tech stack: Vue, Vuetify, Vue Router, Node, Express, GEOJSON, and numerous search APIs
Some of the ideas for mapping are detailed in my article “How To Map Cities With Vue, GeoJSON, And Google: Box Set”
Quick Mount PV (2018)
Issue tracking and written evaluation of QDesign app effort (Solar Panel roof layout projects). Acted as a liaison between product manager and development team in Ukraine. Also started development of a Parts Config Editor SPA (Vue.js + Node.js) to produce JSON file descriptions of panels, mounts, etc. (to get away from hardwired dependencies in code) (Contract)
Upwork Clients (2017)
Image Scrapbook – upload audio / video / photos to file store
(Vue.js + Node.js)
(NDA / Stealth Project) – wrote prototype
to measure user sentiment while watching videos of talks. Positive
& Negative feedback was gathered per second while viewing.
Resulting data used to show bar charts of mood for all viewers.
(Vue.js + c3.js + Node.js + MongoDB)
Route 66 Digital (2016 - 2017)
Full stack developer (MERN & MEVN) for Content Management Framework, and interactive web app for use in a trade show.
Stack includes: Node.js, Express.js, Mongo, React, MobX, Vue.js, vue-stash.js, jQuery, Velocity.js, socket.io, and much more.
Content Management Framework, used to organize
site data and layout for trade show interactive displays (such as
a multichannel explainer for a car, drone, or other tech product).
Produces a detailed JSON output and static assets which are used
to drive an external client app. Done as a MERN stack.
Client side interactive app driven from JSON
output and static assets from CMF. Hybrid approach of an overall
Vue.js scaffolding, with internal jQuery interactive modules (lots
of eventbus usage, and data organization via vue-stash). Uses
Velocity to drive animations, and makes extensive use of flexbox
and css transforms.
Trim CRM (2014 - 2016)
Full stack developer for a site aimed at business relationships. Transforming the client prototype into something polished and production ready.
Stack includes: OOP PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery UI, HighCharts, TableSorter, FullCalendar, Coverflow
Extensively transformed code organization, and introduced SASS to make stylesheets more manageable.
In addition to the programming aspect, did much to help educate the client as to the software/web development process. This included:
Transitioned client from DreamWeaver/GoDaddy/FTP to local/github/RackSpace (basic dev, staging, production)
- Use of Balsamiq to help articulate UX
- Use of ScreenFlow to walk through dev concepts
- Slack for documentation trail, everyday communication, etc.
- Github for source code control (and some issue tracking, client switched to Scrum.Do)
- Local development environment via MAMP, CodeKit, Sequel Pro, and Sublime
- Articulated need for test plan, including test data, and means of automating / repeating input (such as PostMan)
Stitcher, Inc. - San Francisco, CA (2013 - 2014)
Full stack developer for the podcast service: Stitcher.com and Partners.Stitcher.com. Sample projects: memcache + frontside client caching of key Top 10 list page items, converting episode search results to a display which facilitated creating Top 10 lists, and numerous Partner Portal enhancements to make it easier for show owners to edit their information. Also did extensive work with Facebook and Twitter APIs to determine the social networking reach (likes and followers) of new partners, in order to determine how to handle incoming show hosting applications. Lots of OOP PHP, jQuery + plugins + JavaScript, CSS3 w/media queries, and use of external APIs (Facebook, Twitter, and Google).
Webtrends Social - San Francisco, CA (2012)
Implemented “Promote A Post” (placing targeted ads to lead to Facebook Fan/Business Page posts). This work spanned OOP JavaScript, jQuery + Plugins, PHP, and the Facebook OpenGraph API. Some of the features include: dynamic ad campaign creation, scheduling, and editing, autocomplete of targeted fields, dynamic audience reach measurements, and previous ad editing. Also fixed many bugs, and enhanced the moderation filters (extensive RegExp work).
Assorted / Older
- for Res3D.com - San Francisco, CA
- JigoCity - Los Angeles, CA
- Aquent / Institute Of Reading Development - Novato, CA
- TekSystems / Wells Fargo - San Francisco, CA
- Vivaty - Menlo Park, CA
- Intercast Media - San Francisco, CA
- WildFireWeb - Petaluma, CA
- LimeLife - Menlo Park, CA
- Linden Lab - San Francisco, CA
- Friendster - San Francisco, CA
- Metaliq - San Francisco, CA
- America Online (2004)- White Plains, NY
America Online, San Francisco & San Mateo, CA (1995-1998)
Senior Web Engineer
Lots of work on AOL.Com, including
user customization for the MyNews component. (AOLServer/Tcl)
development of a tabbed Sports Scoreboard (Arena1)
Earlier projects (such as an early version of www.SEMI.org) involved a lot of CGI scripting (launching searches and formatting output, registration, ordering, and statistics gathering), and parsing of SGML data (mostly in Perl).